Our Board Members and Team

Stewart Kreltszheim | Chairperson | Director

Stewart is the Chairperson and Board Director of NREF. Stewart’s professional career with the Country Fire Authority (CFA) has spanned over 30 years. His expertise is in safety, logistics and leading teams in complex emergencies in remote and arduous environments. Stewart has held senior positions on several Boards, and currently sits on a number of emergency services and community committees in his CFA role. Stewart has trekked since 2007 and has completed over 30 trekking expeditions. His experience and passion for developing the capacity of communities in Victoria to protect themselves in times of emergencies, transitions well into creating resilient remote communities in the work of the foundation.

Joanne Bergman | Director

Joanne has been a Director of the NREF Board in various roles over the years, and currently serves as a Director. She is a registered nurse with over 40 years experience in the education and health sector in clinical nursing, management and research including co-author of eight published research papers. Joanne is also Australian Medical Assistance Team trained for international disaster relief deployment. She has over  11 years of trekking experience, having trekked over 14 expeditions. It is Joanne’s foremost clinical experience and knowledge, noted reputation in the health sector and compassionate leadership style that advances the foundation to develop and deploy life-changing health expeditions to remote and rural children and adults; who are neglected of basic human rights in the areas of health.

Peter Miller | Director

Peter is the founding Board Director of the foundation and continues to serve on the Board. He is the Managing Director of No Roads Expeditions Pty Ltd since 2003 and operates over 70 expeditions per year, employing over 200 staff in six different countries. Peter has over 18 years of trekking experience and has completed over 60 expeditions. His strong leadership, brand and reputation are prominent in the sector, as the Papua New Guinea Government invites Peter to run workshops for local operators, to improve in-country tourism, safety and industry standards. It is Peter’s noted expertise in expeditions and operational travel management that ensures the foundation’s expeditions are professionally and safely managed; and respectful and culturally appropriate mission work occurs.

Andrew Grasby | Executive Officer / Secretary

Andrew joined the foundation’s Board in February 2018 and was elected Chairperson in August 2020. Andrew is a founding Director, and has been the Chief Executive Officer of Super Gardens Pty Ltd for the past 30 years. His reputation, business acumen and empowering leadership style has seen him appointed as a Director of numerous Boards and driver of various committees, including his current role as President of Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers. Andrew has trekked since 2007 and has completed over 30 trekking expeditions. Andrew is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and is committed to utilising his directorship proficiency and knowledge to deliver best practice governance, long-term financial growth and innovation to the foundation; therefore ultimately advancing the foundation’s capacity to deliver more services to remote and rural communities.

Fiona Smith | Director

Fiona Smith

Fiona brings a unique mix of private sector, government and NGO experience to the No Roads Board. She has worked in diverse organisations and remote locations with extensive experience throughout Papua New Guinea, the healthcare industry, and bespoke projects in tourism – managing people and logistics across international cultures. With a strong focus on developing relationships, operations, and administration, Fiona’s comprehensive knowledge has optimised organisational performance and business outcomes. Her passion for helping improve the lives of others has seen her volunteering with ‘No Roads Foundation’ and ‘Children First Foundation’ providing guardianship, coaching, and collaboration between government and non-government agencies. Fiona currently supports Save the Children Global Venture’s CEO and the operations and effectiveness of its global team.

Dr Grant Muddle | Director

Dr. Grant Muddle is acknowledged internationally for his unmatched healthcare leadership and is the recipient of the Member of the Order of Logugu—Papua New Guinea’s Principal order of Merit recognising contributions to healthcare, Port Moresby General Hospital, and the community. Dr. Muddle’s enduring contributions uphold healthcare excellence as he balances community expectations with commercial, financial and regional realities. A strategist, government advisor and

policy maker, Dr. Muddle holds a Doctor of Business Administration, an MBA, and a degree in business majoring in accounting and law. He is completing studies at the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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