Remote Health Expeditions Expressions of Interest for 2025 Now Open
The No Roads Foundation’s health expeditions aim to introduce healthcare professionals into remote local villages, providing general medical care while passing on knowledge and skills to local healthcare workers and communities. The education is centred around maternal and infant health, wound and infection management, and nutrition. For the next 3 years, the Foundation will be working in collaboration with ChildFund PNG as well as local and provincial health authorities to tackle Tuberculosis (TB). Papua New Guinea has one of the highest rates of TB in the world, with 30,000 new cases reported every year. The situation is so alarming that the government has declared a state of emergency in some provinces.
The expeditions differ from other projects in that it focuses on building capacity NOT replacing it and promoting resilience and NOT reliance. Our aim is to provide a consistent, coordinated approach that delivers real outcomes over time. All aspects of our work are in partnership with the Provincial & District Health Services and support the PNG Governments National Health Plan 2021 to 2030. We continually consult local communities and work with them in the most effective way possible, utilising a large network of health volunteers and advocates. Most importantly the project is ongoing, with approximately three to four expeditions each year visiting communities now and into the future.
Our Coastal Expeditions visit the villages amongst the magical fjords of the Tufi District using boats as our main mode of transport. There is little trekking on this expedition but the hot and humid climate still makes the trip physically challenging.
Who We Need
We need registered health professionals (doctors, nurses, and midwives) and allied health professionals (physiotherapists, chiropractors, optometrists, osteopaths, etc) with a sense of adventure, 9 to 10 days to give and a willingness to support the mission of the No Roads Foundation. We will ensure that each team has a mix of skills including having team members with experience in treating TB and other infectious diseases. Each team member will be required to self-fund or fund raise $3800.00 to cover the cost of their part of the expedition. Fundraising activities will be supported by the No Roads Foundation Board and we will provide everyone with our fundraising policy as a guide. We will induct you and support you as you use your skills in ways you would never think possible to provide primary health care where it is most needed and least available.
The Selection Process
EOIs will be open for a set period of time. Interested persons will be asked to provide brief details of their skills, experience and qualifications and the expedition/s they wish to join in priority order. Our board will gather the EOIs and ensuring that we have a mix of skills and experience, offer positions to prospective team members which will include full details of the expedition and expectations of team members. Successful team members will be asked to lodge a $500 deposit into the No Roads Foundations account to secure their position. This amount will be part of each members individual contribution of $3800.00.