Solar Lighting For Mangil Elementary School
Mangil Elementary School is located in Andakap in the Western Highlands province of PNG. The school has 2 permanent double classrooms with an office attached. There are currently 157 students enrolled at the school.
As well as providing education to the students in the region, the school buildings are used for lesson planning and as a meeting venue for memebers of the community. Like most regions in PNG, resources are limited, and the supply of electricity is never likely to reach the area.
With the assistance of past trekker Bronwyn Neeson, we have installed solar units that will provide a conducive learning & working environment for students and teachers, while also providing a facility for the village community to use after school hours for meetings and adult learning opportunities.
The solar units can make such a difference to schools, teachers and communities, especially in remote areas. If you are interested in assisting us to install solar in other areas of PNG, we’d love to hear from you.