Tufi Connect

The No Roads Expeditions Foundation has been visiting Tufi and the surrounding villages for many years, establishing a Health Centre, and supporting local Community Health Worker’s (CHW’s) and Village Leaders. Each year we take volunteers to the region to mentor and train local communities as part of our on-the-ground Missions.

However, the COVID-19 pandemic hit and all travel has been restricted. We have responded by developing an ongoing online training and mentoring program for the villages around Tufi. We have purchased a laptop for the community and bandwidth on the internet so that we could run the programs. These programs are running as this is written (August 2021). The project is called Tufi Connect and has been accepted with great enthusiasm by the local communities.

Recent sessions included Maternal and Child Birth Health in response to an increase in women experiencing complications at birth. While we cannot be there in person, this ongoing training is assisting the local communities with great health benefits and it is keeping us connected with their community ready for our return.

Project number Project07.


10 May 2019


11 Dec 2022



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