Village Health Volunteer Training (TB) – April 2025

AUSAID & WORLD VISION REPORT – “In PNG, TB is particularly prominent. It is one of PNG’s leading causes of death. Many people believe that TB is caused by sorcery and turn to the local witchdoctor or sorcerer for help instead of trained health workers. By the time some TB patients arrive at a health clinic, it’s too late for medical treatment to work. Many people die because of this misinformation.”

One powerful moment occurred when the No Roads Foundation were in PNG in August 2024. We asked Maggie, OIC of the Tufi Health Centre, what her #1 priority would be if she had access to all our resources. Her response was immediate and clear: “Tackle TB.”

That moment sparked a new chapter for us. We met with World Vision PNG’s representative in Oro Province, and what we learned was sobering: there are seven TB hotspots in the province, including the Tufi Health District. Unfortunately, due to funding and access limitations, many of these areas have been left behind. But this is where we step in—because at No Roads, we specialize in going where there are no roads. The No Roads Foundation will train our cohort of dedicated volunteers to be patient supporters for the delivery of DOTS (Directly Observed Treatment) in remote communities.  In order to be treated effectively, patients must be given the correct dosage of medication, at the right time, and for the correct duration. For many, this can mean taking medicine every day for at least six months.

Click DONATE NOW on this page – make sure you add in the Project Name “NRE-NoTB” and your name.

ALL donations are tax deductible.

The history of the Tufi Volunteer Association:

In 2017, we met with elders of each community in the Tufi district and asked them to select two males and two females from each village to undertake health training.

We returned the following week in dinghies to collect participants. By the time we returned to Tufi, the boats were overloaded with eager participants who were ready to undertake training in basic first aid and maternal health. No Roads Foundation doctors and midwives conducted the initial training.

We returned again in August 2018 for a follow-up session and were delighted to find out that a number of the VHVs that trained, were working daily in the Tufi Health Clinic supporting the staff health care workers.

In May 2019 we opened the VHV’s accommodation house which we built to provide volunteers in outlying villages a place to stay while working in the health centre, further developing and consolidating their skills. Under their own initiative, they have formed their own association with elected officials and now have a constitution and manage their own finances.

In May 2023, we facilitated the No Roads Foundation Volunteer of the Year awards – presenting prizes and certificates to volunteers that were judged by the local health staff as contributing the most to support the No Roads Foundations mission. This has become an annual event. These awards highlight the great work these volunteers do in January 2024 (Australia Day Weekend), we returned to run further training in partnership with Child Fund PNG and the local province.


01 Nov 2024


18th April 2025



Project Code/Customer Reference : NRE-NoTB

Project Updates

9 Aug 2021

Week 4 Buna Connect Update

Providing video-based training to our network of village health advocates included a session on managing fractures and applying casts. Rodney is a Community Health Care Worker in Buna working in the Health Centre re-built by the NREF in partnership with the Australian High Commission. He was able to complement the training delivered by our videos by providing practical demonstrations on how to apply a cast.

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